Download Rights-based Integrated Child Protection Service Delivery Systems by Murli Desai

Rights-based Integrated Child Protection Service Delivery Systems

Author : Murli Desai
Publisher : Springer Nature
Published : 2019-09-17
ISBN-10 : 9811385343
ISBN-13 : 9789811385346
Number of Pages : 467 Pages
Language : en

Descriptions Rights-based Integrated Child Protection Service Delivery Systems

The Sourcebook-IV provides training modules for rights-based integrated child protection service delivery systems at the secondary and tertiary prevention levels. Part 1 of the Sourcebook focuses on the preventative, comprehensive, integrated and systemic, and universal community-based and family-based service delivery systems for children; and the methods of case management and outcomes-based project cycle. Part 2 discusses children and families at risk and the role of community-based Integrated Childcare and Support Centres for providing supplementary care and support services to them at the secondary prevention level. It also focuses on children facing sociolegal problems such as deprivation of parental care, violence, and conflict with law, and the role of District-based Integrated Child Protection Centres for providing protection, justice and rehabilitation to them at the tertiary prevention level. Part 3 focuses on children in emergencies in general and in specific situations and role of Integrated Child Protection Centres in these situations. This is a necessary read for social workers, lawyers, researchers, trainers and teachers working on child rights across the world, and especially in developing countries.

Results Rights-based Integrated Child Protection Service Delivery Systems

UNFPA Indonesia | Improved advocacy strategy for a - Improved advocacy strategy for a stronger policy and evidence based interventions needed for clear progress in Female Genital Mutilation-Cutting (FGM/C) elimination. 14 December 2016. ... He was one of six senior women's and child's rights activists and researchers, appeared as expert speakers at a UNFPA-supported consultation meeting on
Rights-based Integrated Child Protection Service Delivery - Murli Desai. Provides training modules for rights-based integrated child protection service delivery systems, outcome-based project cycles, and case management for care, support, protection and justice for children. Discusses community-based Integrated Childcare and Support Centres for secondary level prevention for children and families at risk
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International Consultant: Strengthening Social Welfare - In 2019, the formative study of the integrated child welfare services (PKSAI) piloting[3] highlights the critical role of the social workers (Sakti Peksos) to the success of the model
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Rights Based Integrated Child Protection Service Delivery - Rights Based Integrated Child Protection Service Delivery Systems Author: Murli Desai Publisher : Springer Nature Published Date : 2019-09-17 Total Pages : 467 Categories : Social Science ISBN : 9811385343 Rating : 4 / 5 from 60 voters. UNLIMITED BOOKS, ALL IN ONE PLACE. FREE TO TRY FOR 30 DAYS. SUBSCRIBE TO READ OR DOWNLOAD EBOOK FOR FREE
Rights-based Integrated Child Protection Service Delivery - The Sourcebook-IV provides training modules for rights-based integrated child protection service delivery systems at the secondary and tertiary prevention levels. Part 1 of the Sourcebook focuses on the preventative, comprehensive, integrated and systemic, and universal community-based and family-based service delivery systems for children; and
Strengthening child protection systems - UNICEF - UNICEF/UN0219971/Xia. Zheng Rong, a UNICEF-supported social worker in North China's Shanxi Province, visits 5-year-old Xiaoyu at her home in 2017. UNICEF works to strengthen and improve child protection systems and access to vital social services for children, including the world's most vulnerable. Key areas of our work include:
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Rights-based Integrated Child Protection Service Delivery - The Sourcebook-IV provides training modules for rights-based integrated child protection service delivery systems at the secondary and tertiary prevention levels. Part 1 of the Sourcebook focuses on the preventative, comprehensive, integrated
Bottom-up approaches to strengthening child protection - Efforts to strengthen national child protection systems have frequently taken a top-down approach of imposing formal, government-managed services. Such expert-driven approaches are often characterized by low use of formal services and the misalignment of the nonformal and formal aspects of the child protection system
Rights-based Integrated Child Protection Service Delivery - The Sourcebook-IV provides training modules for rights-based integrated child protection service delivery systems at the secondary and tertiary prevention levels. Part 1 of the Sourcebook focuses on the preventative, comprehensive, integrated and systemic, and universal community-based and family-based service delivery systems for children; and
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Rights-based integrated child protection service delivery - The Sourcebook-IV provides training modules for rights-based integrated child protection service delivery systems at the secondary and tertiary prevention levels. Part 1 of the Sourcebook focuses on the preventative, comprehensive, integrated and systemic, and universal community-based and family-based service delivery systems for children; and
PDF Child ProteCtion toolkit Child Protection Basics - FHI 360 - 41..2 Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child 8 Section 2: Understanding Child Maltreatment 9 ... preventive and responsive services, a skilled child protection workforce, adequate funding, children's voices and participation ... to effectively integrate and address child protection issues in community-based care and
Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) | National - Children below 6 years Pregnant and lactating women Women in the age group of 15-44 years Adolescent girls in selected blocks Objectives: Improve the nutrition and health status of children in the age group of 0-6 years Lay the foundation for proper psychological, physical and social development of the child
PDF The Integrated Child Protection Scheme (Icps) - to affirm government's commitment towards adopting a rights based approach to address the continuing and emerging challenges in the situation of children, the government of india drafted the national policy for children, 2013, whereby it reiterates its commitment to safeguard, inform, include, support and empower all children within …
Child protection | UNICEF India - The nation has a fairly comprehensive policy and legal framework addressing rights and protection for children, providing opportunities to ensure that all children have equal access to quality protection services. The core child protection legislation for children is enshrined in four main laws: The Juvenile Justice Act/Care and Protection
DCF | Child Protection and Permanency - Child Protection and Permanency is New Jersey's child protection and child welfare agency within the New Jersey Department of Children and Families. Its mission is to assist all New Jersey residents to be safe, healthy and connected
PDF 10 Principles for integrated child protection systems - to protect themselves and their peers and to claim their rights. Child-sensitive and accessible complaint and reporting mechanisms, including helplines and hotlines, are integrated in the system. Children are involved in decisions that concern them, including the development, monitoring and evaluation of child protection strategies, policies

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