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Self-Help Mastery: Handbook for Women to Achieve Happiness, Self-Esteem, and Work-life Balance Through Mindfulness and Stress Management
Author : E. H. Self Publishing
Publisher : Independently Published
Published : 2019-01-19
ISBN-10 : 1793848386
ISBN-13 : 9781793848383
Number of Pages : 32 Pages
Language : en
Descriptions Self-Help Mastery: Handbook for Women to Achieve Happiness, Self-Esteem, and Work-life Balance Through Mindfulness and Stress Management
Apply These Powerful Tips To Immediately Achieve Happiness, Self-Esteem and Work-Life BalanceThis book is for you if you are a woman who's working extremely hard, both inside and outside of your home. This book is for you if your job and professional responsibilities drain you emotionally as well as physically. This book is for you if you believe that perhaps there's more to life than what you are going through right now. This book is for you if you have been beaten down by your daily life and hence hold a very low opinion of yourself!All of us aspire to live a meaningful, beautiful and successful life in our own way. For that, many of us work extremely hard and invest 100% effort in everything we do. All the hard work often takes a toll on our body and mind and exhausts us to our very core. That coupled with constant self-criticism as well as criticism from people around you adds to the burden. While you may have trained yourself to keep up with that pressure and perceive it as a part of your routine, bearing with this sort of pressure is not healthy nor sustainable.Life is meaningful and beautiful when you live it fully and feel good about yourself from within. The bittersweet truth is, until you feel positive about yourself and reduce your routine stress, you will not live a great life--you will be merely surviving.You may not feel too content with yourself right now, but trust me, you have an amazing future ahead of you, and the key to achieving that is to work consciously on infusing self-love into your identity now. Together we can help you achieve this goal and by the time you finish reading this book, you will be fully equipped with the knowledge and strategies you need to make sure all the effort you are investing in your life doesn't end up in vain. We know you work hard; it's time to make that hard work count. You're about to discover how to achieve happiness, self-esteem, and work-life balance through some profound tips! Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... How to achieve much more starting with changing your mindset How to forgive yourself and others How to have a better control over your emotions How to love yourself How to leverage the power of technology How to learn to say no And much much more!
Results Self-Help Mastery: Handbook for Women to Achieve Happiness, Self-Esteem, and Work-life Balance Through Mindfulness and Stress Management
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A Self-Assessment Tool - The Start of Happiness - Wheel of Life - A Self-Assessment Tool. The Wheel of Life is a great exercise and tool for helping you create more balance and success in your life. It is often used in coaching and is a great foundation exercise when goal-setting. Below, you can download the free wheel of life template which is used by more than 3,000 people every month
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What is Self-Mastery? Process, Steps and Advantages - Process, Steps and Advantages. Self-mastery is defined as the ability to wield a powerful will against impulses of any kind so that our future can be the one we have chosen. It is achieved by being aware of our thoughts and controlling them along with our actions and emotions. It is a knack where an individual recognizes, identifies
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How to Achieve Self-Mastery - Dumb Little Man - In achieving self-mastery, an honest look at yourself can help you see that you, and not anyone else, are primarily responsible for your actions. If you make a mistake, acknowledge responsibility for it. Don't blame it on someone else, justify or deny it. 4. Associate with people who practice self-discipline