Get Access Self-help in Jewish Law by Shimshon Ettinger

Self-help in Jewish Law

Author : Shimshon Ettinger
Publisher : Open University of Israel
Published : 1993
ISBN-10 : 9653024140
ISBN-13 : 9789653024144
Number of Pages : 95 Pages
Language : en

Descriptions Self-help in Jewish Law

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The Torah and Self-Defense (Shmirat Ha Gouf) — David Kahn - Modern laws, along with most cultures, synchronize with Jewish law in recognizing the sanctity and moral right to self-defense. Moreover, the right to defend others is duly proscribed. Equally well established under the Torah and modern law: only under the threat of imminent physical harm may you resort to force
Jewish Law - Commentary/Opinion - Self-Endangerment to - According to Maimonides,3 this translates into a positive obligation to use your time, money and even your body to save your fellow. Rabbi Joseph Karo was the author of the Beis Yosef, an exhaustive and lengthy commentary on an earlier compilation of Jewish law, entitled the Arba Turim. In the last passages of his monumental Beis Yosef,4 Rabbi
Jewish Law - Commentary/Opinion - Criminal Confessions in - By contrast, Jewish law prevents a confession from being used as evidence in a criminal proceeding. A commonly cited basis for this rule is the Biblical verse prescribing that a person is to be convicted of a crime upon the testimony of two witnesses, [4] thereby excluding other types of evidence. Because a party to litigation is ineligible to
An Introduction to Self-Incrimination in Jewish Law, with - KIRSCHENBAUM, SELF-INCRIMINATION IN JEWISH LAW viii-ix (1970). Loy. Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. [Vol. 28:257. II.A . BRIEF LOOK AT THE ROLE OF LAW IN JEWISH FAITH AND TRADITION. It would seem difficult to overstate the importance of Jewish law, or halacha, in Jewish faith and tradition. This is the case
Israel adopts divisive Jewish nation-state law - NBC News - By Reuters. JERUSALEM — Israel passed a law on Thursday to declare that only Jews have the right of self-determination in the country, something members of the Arab minority called racist and
Sorry Will Self, but you ARE a Jew - The Jewish Chronicle - Sorry Will Self, but you ARE a Jew. Will Self is a celebrated writer of fiction and journalist. Born in London in 1961, he can also boast an illustrious ancestry. His paternal great-great
Defensive War | My Jewish Learning - Pronounced: TALL-mud, Origin: Hebrew, the set of teachings and commentaries on the Torah that form the basis for Jewish law. Comprised of the Mishnah and the Gemara, it contains the opinions of thousands of rabbis from different periods in Jewish history. ic discussion of when it is permissible to wage war on the Sabbath: "Rav Judah stated in
Ask the Rabbi, » Self-Incrimination - Jewish law goes beyond protecting against self-incrimination; a person who confesses to having committed an illegal act is not believed. The Talmudic principle is "ein adam meisim atzmo rasha"—"a man cannot declare himself wicked". The source for this is Talmud Sanhedrin 9b; it's codified in Maimonides' Mishneh Torah, Edus (Testimony), 12
Israel's controversial new "Jewish nation-state" law - Supporters of the law say this is what a strong Jewish state looks like The nation-state bill passed on July 19 with a vote of 62 to 55, after years of political debate (the law was first proposed
(PDF) The Torah and Self-Defense - ResearchGate - The article details Jewish law attitudes towards self-defense and defense of others. Sources examined include the Torah (the first 5 books of the Bible), the Talmud, and Jewish law commentators
The 9 Laws of Jewish Intimacy | Adam Jacobs | The Blogs - 7. Divorce. Clearly, when one or both members of the couple have already resolved to divorce there can be no promotion of the marriage through intimacy (or anything else). 8. Fantasy. Thinking
Ask the Rabbi: The right to self-defense - The Jerusalem Post - The right to self-defense is well established within Jewish law as manifested by the law of 'rodef' (the pursuer). The right to self-defense made headlines here in 2007 after Shai Dromi, a Negev
Final text of Jewish nation-state law, approved by the - The 'Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People,' passed by 62-55, with two abstentions By Raoul Wootliff 18 July 2018, 2:45 pm Updated: 19 July 2018, 6:27 am Edit Facebook
Maimonides, Miranda, and The Conundrum of Confession: Self - But see Arnold Enker, Self-Incrimination in Jewish Law—A Review-Essay, in 4 DINÉ ISRAEL cvii, cix (Zeev W. Falk & Aaron Kirschenbaum eds., 1973) ("[F]rom a legal point of view these two rules [the one concerning self-incriminating statements of defendants and the other concerning self-incriminating statements of witnesses] seem to me to
Partnership, Democracy, and Self-Rule in Jewish Law - SELF-R ULE IN JEWISH LAW an argument that a legitimate government must be one to which such imaginary people could have agreed. 5. Typically, authors in this tradition are relatively unconcerned
Self-Incrimination in Jewish Law: Aaron Kirschenbaum - The Jewish rule today is somewhat unique - as described by Aaron Kirschenbaum in his 1970 book "Self-incrimination in Jewish law" - because it does not allow criminals to confess, plead guilty, or in any way self-incriminate in court. Alleged criminals are allowed to speak in court to defend themselves
"Self-Rule in Jewish Law" by Daniel Greenwood - The Jewish tradition has never had the luxury of imagining self-sufficiency, that government itself is the primary source of unjust power, or that individuals could be free in a state of nature. We too can no longer ignore that a solitary human being is a dead human being, that we need government to make spaces in which we can be free from want
self-sacrifice in jewish law in French - self-sacrifice in - "jewish law and rituals" in French: loi ou rituel du judaïsme "jewish sacrificial law" in French: korban "portion of the jewish law" in French: règle juive (chapitre d'étude, doctrin ... "sacrifice" in French: n. sacrifice, immolation; victime, off ... "basic law: israel as the nation-state of the jewish people" in French: loi israël, État
A List of the 613 Mitzvot (Commandments) - Judaism 101 - Below is a list of the 613 mitzvot (commandments). It is based primarily on the list compiled by Rambam in the Mishneh Torah, but I have consulted other sources as well. As I said in the page on halakhah, Rambam's list is probably the most widely accepted list, but it is not the only order is my own, as are the explanations of how some rules are derived from some biblical passages
Self-sacrifice in Jewish law - Wikipedia - Self-sacrifice in Jewish law. Although rare, there are instances within Jewish law that mandate a Jew to sacrifice their own life rather than violate a religious prohibition. One of these prohibitions is that no life should be taken, including one's own. Many more ritual prohibitions exist as well, which means that under limited circumstances a
(PDF) An Introduction to Self-Incrimination in Jewish Law - American case law and scholarship has referre d to the Jewish law of self-incrimination. The list of such cases includes: Garrity v. State of New Jersey, 385 493, 497-8 n.5
Self Defense In The Jewish Tradition | The Jewish Press - Self Defense In The Jewish Tradition. By. Rabbi Michael J. Broyde and Rabbi Gidon G. Rothstein - 27 Kislev 5782 - December 1, 2021. 0. Share on Facebook. Tweet on Twitter
Does Jewish law require self-deportation? | The Jewish - We want people to have their self-perception changed from consumers to producers of halacha. Writing a teshuva gets people to understand that halachic rulings are not made in a vacuum.". This summer's study focused on contemporary rabbinic rulings on the question of dina d'malchuta dina
(PDF) The Law of Pursuer (Rodef) in Talmudic Sources - Haim Shapira. 13 THE LAW OF THE PURSUER (RODEF) AND THE SOURCE OF SELF-DEFENSE: AN ANALYSIS OF THE TALMUDIC SOURCES by HAIM SHAPIRA ** 1. Introduction The Law of the pursuer (rodef) is one of the main legal sources for the right of self- defense in Jewish law. It appears first in the Mishnah and then in other tanaitic compilations and has an
Rethinking Self-Incrimination ... - Touro Law Center - This section borrows, in part, from Levine, An Introduction to Self-incrimination in Jewish Law, supra note 1. For more extensive substantive discussions of the rule in Jewish law, see, , AARON KlRSCHENBAUM, SELF-INCRIMINATION IN JEWISH LAW (Burning Bush Press 1970); Arnold Enker, Self-incrimination in Jewish Law—A
Self Incrimination Jewish Law - AbeBooks - "A comprehensive and timely study of the Jewish law which rejects criminal confessions, pleas of guilty and self-incriminatory statements of the accused." - from Introduction. Clean and unmarked with moderate wear
Damages (Jewish law) - Wikipedia - Jewish law on damages is grounded partly on the Written Torah, the Hebrew Bible, ... Nonetheless, the laws of self-injury are complex because halakhah allows people to harm or endanger themselves in certain circumstances. In Jewish law, several quite different values may be called upon to justify self-injury. Notably, in some cases, people are
Partnership, Democracy, and Self-Rule in Jewish Law by - Jewish legal and midrashic traditions can be a useful corrective to the atomistic metaphors underlying most liberal political theory. The Jewish tradition has never had the luxury of imagining self-sufficiency, that government itself is the primary source of unjust power, or that individuals could be free in a state of nature
Self-defense in Jewish and Roman Law | Michael Linetsky - Jewish Law both Babylonian and Palestinian branches as we will see takes the same approach to accountability as Roman Law in this situation. The Babylonian Rabbi Rava in a collection of Laws (Bava Kamma 117b, Sanhed 74b) pertaining to the self-defense rules that a person being pursued by an attacker breaks another's vessels in the process of

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